Hola From Espana
OK Well I guess I lied about the updates... I haven't been twittering or facebooking hardly at all, and now I'm updating my blog, oh well. Cadaques, Catalunia, Spain
We're back in Barcelona now after a short road trip up north to Figueres, Cadaques, Perpignan, Girona, and Tossa De Mar. The best city we've stopped at so far is definitely Cadaques (see pic). It was exactly the kind of small coastal town I was hoping we'd see. It seemed like it was pretty much the same as it would've been a couple hundred years ago, no modern hotels or anything. The next day we tried to go into France (Perpignan), but once we got there we realized that a) it didn't seem much different then Spain, and b) we don't speak French at all. We ate some crepes and quiche at a nice little bakery, where the rude cashier/ server lady made us realize how little French we actually knew, so we decided that was enough of a France experience for us and we went back into Spain. We ended up in Girona, where we drove around for at least 2 hours trying to find our hostel. Girona is a really old medieval city, with lots of really narrow and confusing streets, so by the time we had found our hostel I pulled an Austin Powers style U turn in a pedestrian filled walk-way that I'm still not sure if cars are supposed to be on, we drove through a medieval passageway that was probably a foot wider than our car, and I'm sure we irritated a lot of locals. We made it eventually, but ended up in a really nice family-owned hotel that was built in the 14th century and was about 50 yards away from the Catedral de Girona, instead of the cheap hostel we were looking for, which turned out to be closed. That was the day before yesterday, and now we're back in Barcelona with 5 more days to go. We're having a great time, taking lots of pictures and video, but due to technical difficulties they probably wont be online until we get back home (that picture of Cadaques is one I found online). Adios!