Random Stuff 5/24/09
A coupe of random notes...
1) I changed my email address to dalbrightvideo@gmail.com, and my twitter name to dalbrightvideo
2) About a month ago I started getting a ton of spam comments, so I've been in the habit of deleting mass amounts of comments at once. The way I thought I was telling the fake comments from real ones was by looking at the website entry and if it said http://website, then I figured it was spam since that's obviously not a real website. Now I realize that if you leave the website field blank, which most commenters probably would, it puts http://website. So sorry if you left a legit comment and it never showed up. But who am I kidding... nobody comments on my blog anyways, they were probably all spam!
3) I added some more twitter feeds to the right column over there. One is the @CHSfeed, which just puts out a twitter message everytime a new story gets put up on the Capitol Hill Seattle Blog, sometimes it will be one of my posts on CHS but not always. The other is the @seattlestorm, which is of course, the Seattle Storm.
1) I changed my email address to dalbrightvideo@gmail.com, and my twitter name to dalbrightvideo
2) About a month ago I started getting a ton of spam comments, so I've been in the habit of deleting mass amounts of comments at once. The way I thought I was telling the fake comments from real ones was by looking at the website entry and if it said http://website, then I figured it was spam since that's obviously not a real website. Now I realize that if you leave the website field blank, which most commenters probably would, it puts http://website. So sorry if you left a legit comment and it never showed up. But who am I kidding... nobody comments on my blog anyways, they were probably all spam!
3) I added some more twitter feeds to the right column over there. One is the @CHSfeed, which just puts out a twitter message everytime a new story gets put up on the Capitol Hill Seattle Blog, sometimes it will be one of my posts on CHS but not always. The other is the @seattlestorm, which is of course, the Seattle Storm.