Busy Busy... cakes & coffee etc.
It's been a crazy past couple of months for me, personally and professionally... hence the lack of updates here and elsewhere. So I figured it was about time I check in again.
that's cake... all of it.Allrecipes has been going gangbusters with the videos this year... in the past couple of months, I've produced a series of 6 "how to brew coffee" videos (here's How to Brew French Press), as well as 45 (!!) "how to decorate cake" videos (see pic at right), which are still in progress. I also started work on "Welcome World Cuisine," an international foods web series (the pilot is below), and shot a 3 episode reality style mini-series... both of those will probably get their own posts at some point, so stay tuned.
Storm season is also just about to get underway. Media Day is this coming Wednesday and our first game is May 18. So basically I'm coming out of the busiest couple months I've ever had, and heading into what's usually my 'busy season!' here we go!!