I went up to Bellingham yesterday to shoot a time lapse video for artist Ben Mann. If you live in Bellingham, you've seen Ben's work, it's EVERYWHERE. Mambo Italiano, Little Cheerful, Mallards... This is the first time I've done a time lapse this long and I think it turned out pretty good. I plugged the camera into the computer and just captured directly to the hard drive instead of recording to tape. So I didn't have to worry about switching tapes every hour and didn't have to put all that wear on the heads. The painting took about 4 hours.
Ben Mann - Performance Art (Time Lapse) from ben mann on Vimeo.
One of the first videos that I made as a "professional" (i'm using the term very loosely here) was for Ben back in 2005-ish, while I was a student at Western. You can see it after the jump. I shot in on my parents' 8mm camcorder, with no external mic, no lights and no idea what I was doing. It's a miracle that it turned out as well as it did.
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